Frequently Asked Questions

We research tens of thousands of properties each month and hand select only the best deals with the most motivated sellers. Our aim is to find premium properties to sell at a discount, leaving instant equity to our end buyers.

Yes. If you’re not completely satisfied with your investment within the first 30 days after closing we will refund you the purchase price, or trade you for a similar property. We want you to be thrilled with your purchase!

We are not Real Estate agents trying to justify commissions and therefore don’t tour the properties we sell. You are more than welcome to download GPS coordinates to a free phone app and go and check out the property yourself. Just check with us first to make sure the property hasn’t been sold already!

Check with the local county zoning ordinances as part of your due diligence to see if they’ll allow for your plan.

No. Unless otherwise stated, all properties we sell are free and clear and current with taxes paid.

Assume no unless otherwise advertised. There are potential work arounds for these issues worthy of investigation such as solar/wind power, well drilling or water delivery, etc.

We don’t think so. We’ve simplified the process to buy land and created straightforward, easy-to-read contracts. If you feel more comfortable spending extra money to hire a professional, we’ll definitely work with you.

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